Growing Businesses
in the Fox River Valley

Helping businesses in St. Charles, Batavia, and Geneva collaborate and boost revenue

Crafted for You

Members enjoy benefits tailored to their business aimed at increasing revenue

Fox Valley Business Network helps local business owners share ideas, solve problems and increase business through long-lasting relationships with others in the community.

Our Mission

Fox Valley Business Network was founded in October of 2008, and has grown to be one of the largest networking groups on LinkedIn in west suburban Chicago with over 3000 members.

The mission of Fox Valley Business Network (FVBN) is to help local business owners collaborate, generate leads, and grow their business. FVBN will serve to act as a forum for sharing ideas, solving problems, sharing industry news, and most importantly increasing business for its members: through lead generation and new strategies.

Notable Members

A few of the highly-respected businesses that are part of the Fox Valley Business Network

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Membership Benefits

Build Relationships

Build professional relationships with other business owners in the community.

Generate Leads

Receive business leads from other group members and meet community members at open events.

Group Events

Socialize at fun private events hosted specifically for group members.

Generate Ideas

Utilize group members and resources to generate new business ideas and receive feedback.


LinkedIn members


Years since launch


Paid memberships


Monthly events

Check out an event with Fox Valley Business Network.